Source code for brainlit.viz.swc2voxel

from typing import Tuple
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy import ndimage as ndi
from skimage import draw
from brainlit.utils.util import check_type

[docs]def skeletonize(img: np.ndarray, points: pd.DataFrame) -> np.ndarray: """Draw lines between points that are connected to produce binary mask Arguments: img {3d array} -- image points {pandas dataframe} -- dataframe with swc points as output by combine_swc_img.points2voxel Returns: [3d array] -- binary mask showing skeletonization between points """ mask = 0 * img print(points) for idx, child in points.iterrows(): parent_idx = child["parent"] if parent_idx != -1 and parent_idx in points["sample"].values: parent_pt = points[points["sample"] == [parent_idx]] xs, ys, zs = Bresenham3D( parent_pt.xvox.item(), parent_pt.yvox.item(), parent_pt.zvox.item(), child.xvox, child.yvox, child.zvox, ) mask[xs, ys, zs] = 1 return mask
[docs]def Bresenham3D( x1: int, y1: int, z1: int, x2: int, y2: int, z2: int ) -> Tuple[list, list, list]: """Takes two coordinates and gives the set of coordinates that connects them with a straight line Adapted from Arguments: x1 {int} -- first x coodinate y1 {int} -- first y coodinate z1 {int} -- first z coodinate x2 {int} -- second x coodinate y2 {int} -- second y coodinate z2 {int} -- second z coodinate Returns: [list] -- list of x coordinate connecting the points [list] -- list of y coordinate connecting the points [list] -- list of z coordinate connecting the points """ check_type(x1, int) check_type(y1, int) check_type(z1, int) check_type(x2, int) check_type(y2, int) check_type(z2, int) xlist = [] xlist.append(x1) ylist = [] ylist.append(y1) zlist = [] zlist.append(z1) dx = abs(x2 - x1) dy = abs(y2 - y1) dz = abs(z2 - z1) if x2 > x1: xs = 1 else: xs = -1 if y2 > y1: ys = 1 else: ys = -1 if z2 > z1: zs = 1 else: zs = -1 # Driving axis is X-axis" if dx >= dy and dx >= dz: p1 = 2 * dy - dx p2 = 2 * dz - dx while x1 != x2: x1 += xs if p1 >= 0: y1 += ys p1 -= 2 * dx if p2 >= 0: z1 += zs p2 -= 2 * dx p1 += 2 * dy p2 += 2 * dz xlist.append(x1) ylist.append(y1) zlist.append(z1) # Driving axis is Y-axis" elif dy >= dx and dy >= dz: p1 = 2 * dx - dy p2 = 2 * dz - dy while y1 != y2: y1 += ys if p1 >= 0: x1 += xs p1 -= 2 * dy if p2 >= 0: z1 += zs p2 -= 2 * dy p1 += 2 * dx p2 += 2 * dz xlist.append(x1) ylist.append(y1) zlist.append(z1) # Driving axis is Z-axis" else: p1 = 2 * dy - dz p2 = 2 * dx - dz while z1 != z2: z1 += zs if p1 >= 0: y1 += ys p1 -= 2 * dz if p2 >= 0: x1 += xs p2 -= 2 * dz p1 += 2 * dy p2 += 2 * dx xlist.append(x1) ylist.append(y1) zlist.append(z1) return xlist, ylist, zlist